No | Sources | Publisher | ISSN | Focus and Scope | Status |
1 | AL-IHKAM: JURNAL HUKUM DAN PRANATA SOSIAL | Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura | 2442-3084 | Islamic Jurisprudence, Law and social sciences concerning plurality and living values in Southeast Asia. The social sciences that Al-Ihkam specializes in consist of religious studies, anthropology, criminology, economics, history, philosophy, political sciences, sociology and social psychology | Open Access |
2 | IJTIHAD : JURNAL WACANA HUKUM ISLAM DAN KEMANUSIAAN | IAIN Salatiga | 2477-8036 | Islamic Jurisprudence studies in an Indonesian context, with special reference to culture, diversity, living norms and customs, politics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, Islamic astronomy (falak studies), and doctrines. | Open Access |
3 | AL-ISTINBATH: JURNAL HUKUM ISLAM | Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup | 2548-3382 | Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal Law, Islamic Politics, Islamic Judicial, Legal Aid in Islam, Islamic Jurisprudence | Open Access |
4 | PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW) | Universitas Padjadjaran | 2442-9325 | Philosophy and Theory of Law, Comparative law, Sociology of law, International law, Constitutional law, Economic law, Environmental law, Criminal law, Administration law, Cyber law, Human Rights law, Agrarian law | Open Access |
5 | MAZAHIB JURNAL PEMIKIRAN HUKUM ISLAM | UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda | 2460-6588 | Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic Legal Theory (Usul al-Fiqh). Law in Modern Muslim World (Legislation/Codification, Statutes, Regulations, Legal Professions, and Institutions), Comparative Law, Law & Religion, or Law & Society, which intersects with Islamic Law, Islamic Law and Politics | Open Access |
6 | LENTERA HUKUM | Universitas Jember | 2621-3710 | constitutionalism, international governance, human rights law, environmental law, technology law, and legal pluralism within the Global South perspective. | Open Access |
7 | JURNAL RECHTS VINDING : MEDIA PEMBINAAN HUKUM NASIONAL | Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI | 2580-2364 | Rechtsvinding Journal encompasses studies of the work, work practices, skills and ethics of the legal development as well as the internal management of law firms and chambers. It also considers the methods and extent of provision of legal services. A range of socio-legal information is included involving inter-disciplinary interest from academic and professional lawyers, economists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and business academics interested in the world of law and lawyers. | Open Access |
8 | JURNAL PEMBANGUNAN HUKUM INDONESIA | Universitas Diponegoro | 2656-3193 | articles of research results and conceptual ideas that aim to increase the understanding and application of Indonesian law in order to build scholarship in the field of law, both theory and practice. Scientific articles related to Economic and Business Law, Criminal Law Reform, International Law and Constitutional Law in the context of the development, renewal, and development of better Indonesian law are prioritized to be published in this journal | Open Access |
9 | MIMBAR HUKUM | Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2443-0994 | fields of law including but not limited to criminal law, private law, constitutional law, Islamic law, land law, international law | Open Access |
10 | JURNAL ILMIAH KEBIJAKAN HUKUM | Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hukum dan HAM | 2579-7425 | Correctional policy; Immigration policy; Legislative policies; Intellectual property policy: copyrights, industrial designs, patents, layout designs of integrated circuits, trade secrets, marks and geographical indications; General law administration policies: civil (legal entity, fiduciary, inheritance, state curator, and notary); crime (criminal law services and pardons, civil servant investigators, and dactyloscopy); state administration (citizenship and political parties); central authorities and international law (mutual assistance in criminal matters, extradition, transfer of trains, and international law); Human rights policy; Policies for fostering national law: legal planning, legal counselling, and legal aid; Policies on administration, supervision and development of human resources in the field of law and human rights | Open Access |