"Imagine ... a textbook that students enjoy!"
That comment, from an instructor who taught at Purdue, was e-mailed to me as I was struggling to write the preface to an earlier edition. That comment still captures what I be¬lieve to be the most distinctive feature of the core of this edition. It speaks to students.
An Entire Learning Platform
That comment continues to guide this edition. But be¬cause students today learn differently than they did twenty years ago, it does so in new ways. Students today grew up with the Internet and social media that provide them with access to a broad range of digital resources and instant feedback. That changes the way they learn, and if we are to reach them, we have to present material to them in ways that fit their learning style. They want to be able to bring their course with them—to access it anywhere, anytime—at a coffee shop in the afternoon, in their dorm room late at night, or at lunch hour at work. They still want material that speaks to them, but it has to speak to them in their language at the time they want to listen. Modern learning is blended learning in which online pre¬sentations, review and testing of material, and feedback are seamlessly blended with the narrative of the text.
The strengths of previous editions translate well in this new environment. Students don't want an automa¬ton. They want a person who speaks to them, even if it is online. They don't differentiate a "virtual" world from a "real" world. Both are real and students seek the same thing in both—the presentation of material that engages them. And that's what I do. I tell stories. I use colloquial language, and I offer material that they read about in the newspaper—today's economic issues. The material speaks to them in ways that they can hear and enjoy.
A guiding principle of this edition has been to reach out to students in the digital language of online communi¬cation. To teach modern students effectively, we've got to get their attention and hold it, and digital tools give us that opportunity. That's why I've worked hard in this revi¬sion to provide the material that students can engage in a single, seamless, and fully digital product.
Embracing the digital environment has led to some significant pedagogical improvements. All of the content, including end-of-chapter questions, lines up directly with learning objectives. These learning objectives serve as the
organizational structure for the material. As a result, within McGraw Hill's online Connect Plus platform, stu¬dents can learn the core building blocks online with in¬stant feedback; instructors can assess student learning data and know what their students understand, and what they don't. With that information, they can devote class time to those issues with which students are having problems.
The end-of-chapter material has been revised for opti¬mal online delivery: All of the standard questions and problems are auto-gradable and integrated with the eBook experience. Such integration allows students to move seamlessly between homework problems and portions of the narrative to get the information they need, when they need it. This is a significant advance in pedagogy. Now, even professors in large lecture classes can assign ques¬tions and exercises at the end of chapters and provide feedback to students at the point of need.
In addition to the standard questions and exercises at the end of every chapter I also provide a set of Issues of Ponder and Alternative Perspective Questions that have no "correct" answer, but instead are designed to get the students to think. In a blended learning environment, these are the questions that can form the basis for rich classroom discussions that engage the students with broad issues as much as the online material engages them with the building blocks. Classes become discussion and thinking time, not regurgitation and repetition time.
I am confident that the combination of the digital tools via Connect Plus, the modern material presented, and the colloquial style I have worked so hard to perfect will engage students in the ninth edition like never before. (Additional information about Connect is presented on p. xv.)
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