The influence of using pictures series and realia media toward writing ability in descriptive text the students of SMA Negeri 1 Rumbia academic year 2014-2015
Key Word: Picture Series, Descriptive Text, Writing Ability, Realia Media.
Writing is a productive process which conducted through some stages. Firstly,
exploring and transmitting ideas, thought and feeling into written form. Secondly,
conducting a number of revising process to carry out a grammatically and orderly
texts. The writing productions are in the forms of readable texts which should be
meaning?il to everyone who read the writing. The main problem cause the
students dif?culties are to express their idea. Writing needs ideas to write down
on the paper. If they can express their ideas it can help them to enjoy when they
write something. Many media presented as a solution in writing ability in
descriptive text are picture series and realia media. The problem formulations in
this research are; 1) Is there any different in?uence of using Picture Series and
Realia Media? 2) Which one is more effective of using Picture Series and Realia
Media?. The objective of this research are: 1) To know whether there is different
in?uence of using Picture Series and Realia Media. 2) To know whether there is
more effective of using Picture Series and Realia Media.
In this research the researcher uses quantitative research. The design is quasi
experimental. The researcher conducted her research at the tenth grade of SMA
Negeri l Rumbia. The population in this researcher was 711 students. It was
consists of 20 classes and average each class consist of 36. The researcher used
cluster sampling as technique sampling in taking the sample, the sample of this
research is X3 as an experimental class and X4 as control class.
To analyze the data, the researcher used tm, formula. The researcher got the result
of tm is 4,59 and tmble is 2,65 (on criterion l) and 2,00 (on criterion 2). It means
that thn>t,ab|e. The criterion of tmt is Ha accepted if t1m>tmble. So, there is different
result of students writing ability in descriptive text using picture series and realia
media. Picture series is more effective than realia media toward students
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