Management information systems for information age
The Ninth Edition of Management Information Systems for the Information Age pro¬vides you the ultimate in flexibility to tailor content to the exact needs of your MIS or IT course. The nine chapters and thirteen Extended Learning Modules may be presented in logical sequence, or you may choose your own mix of technical topics and business managerial topics.
The nine chapters form the core of material covering business and managerial topic?, from strategic and competitive technology opportunities to the organization and man¬agement of information using databases and data warehouses. If you covered only the chapters and none of the modules, the focus of your course would be MIS from a busi¬ness and managerial point of view.
The thirteen Extended Learning Modules provide a technical glimpse into the world of IT, covering topics ranging from building a Web site, to computer crimes and digita. forensics, to how to use Microsoft Access. If you chose only the modules and none of th; chapters, the focus of your course would be on the technical and hands-on aspects of IT.
At the beginning of each chapter (and in the Instructor's Manual for each chapter we include our recommendations concerning which modules to cover immediately after covering a given chapter. For example, Module H on computer crime and digital foren¬sics follows logically after Chapter 8 on protecting people and information. But you cover Chapter 8 and omit Module H—that's completely up to you. On the other hand. you can omit Chapter 8 and cover Module H—you have flexibility to do what suits yoi needs and the needs of your students.
You can easily select a course format that represents your own desired blend of top¬ics. While you might not choose to cover the technologies of networks, for exam] you might require your students to build a small database application. In that case, y would omit Module E (Network Basics) and spend more time on Module C (Designir.; Databases and Entity-Relationship Diagramming) and Module J (Implementing '-Database with Microsoft Access).
On the facing page, we've provided a table of the chapters and the modules. As yc put your course together and choose the chapters and/or modules you want to cover, would offer the following:
1. Cover any or all of the chapters as suits your purposes.
2. Cover any or all of the modules as suits your purposes.
3. If you choose a chapter, you do not have to cover its corresponding module.
4. If you choose a module, you do not have to cover its corresponding chapter.
5. You may cover the modules in any order you wish.
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